Vehicle inspection is a procedure mandated by national or subnational governments in many countries, in which a vehicle is inspected to ensure that it conforms to regulations governing safety, emissions, or both. In Kenya, this applies to Public Service and Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
Ecocare has undertaken high-quality inspection (MOT Test) services as International Auto Appraisal Limited in the UK for the Ministry of Transport since 2007.
Ecocare’s Automobile Inspections involve a mechanical and structural inspection of used vehicles to ensure acceptable levels of road safety and emission levels thus protecting road users in accordance with laid guidelines.
Inspections are carried out by trained, qualified inspectors (licensed mechanics and technicians) working in world-class facilities, and detect aspects such as mechanical faults, structural damage and the quality of any repairs.
In addition to verifying the roadworthiness of vehicles in accordance with KS 1515:2000, we also undertake verification of the odometer for tampering.
The Ecocare Auto Appraisal by providing a professional a vehicle’s overall condition insurance cover.
is targeted to help stakeholders and independent assessment of prior to purchase or getting an
The Appraisal confirms in detail:
• The vehicle’s overall condition;
• Your vehicle’s overall structural and mechanical integrity using more than 120 check points and taking high quality digital photographs;
• Accessories
“Motor Vehicle Safety & Emissions inspection for standards, statutory compliance and insurance.”