Energy Assessments & Energy Audits
An energy assessment reveals where, when, how and why energy is consumed in an organization and identifies ways to optimize this consumption. Ecocare is licensed by ERC1 as an energy audit firm and provides the following types of energy assessments/audits for industries commercial establishments and institutions:
• Scoping and Basic energy audits;
• Detailed Feasibility audits and;
• Investment Grade audits;
All industrial, commercial and institutional energy users in Kenya consuming more than 180,000 kWh (648,004 MJ) annually are now required to conduct an Investment Grade Audit.
Energy Policies and Plans
Without a clear energy policy and associated goals, any attempt at energy management can be likened to a rambling road trip – there is no telling where your journey will lead. Your energy policy is an essential tool (a road map if you like) to help align the whole organization with regard to energy usage and the road ahead.
Ecocare assists with the development and implementation of energy policies and strategies.
Energy optimization goes beyond the installation of energy efficient technologies like energy efficient lights, or motion sensors, etc. Just like any other form of management, energy optimization is an ongoing process — it needs continuous human support and attention.
Ecocare is one of the leading companies in the country that understands this concept thoroughly.
ISO 50001 Status Quo Energy Assessments
Ecocare assesses your energy management system in line with the international standard for Energy Management Systems – ISO 50001:2011.
The status quo assessment is not only beneficial if striving towards ISO certification, but should the recommendations be fully implemented it will guarantee further energy savings.